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Clarke, John R. and Nayla K. Muntasser, eds. Oplontis: Villa A (“of Poppaea”) at Torre Annunziata, Italy (50 B.C.-A.D. 79). Volume 1. The Ancient Setting and Modern Rediscovery. New York: The Humanities E-Book Series of the American Council of Learned Societies, 2014. Open Access permanent link:
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Clarke, John R., and Simon Barker. “Evidence for Wooden Wall Revetment and Marble Decoration in Diaeta 78 at Villa A (“of Poppaea”) at Oplontis (Torre Annunziata, Italy).” In Atti del XII Colloquio AIEMA (Association Internationale pour l’Ètude de la Mosaïque Antique), Venice, 11-15 September 2012, edited by Giordana Trovabene, 501-504. Verona: Scripta, 2015.
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Pecci, Alessandra, John R. Clarke, Michael L. Thomas, Jennifer L. Muslin, Ivo van der Graaff, Luana Toniolo, Domenico Miriello, Gino Crisci, Mauro Buonincontri, and Gaetano Di Pasquale. “Use and Reuse of Amphorae. Wine residues in Dressel 2-4 amphorae from Oplontis Villa B (Torre Annunziata, Italy).” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12 (2017): 515–521.
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Thomas, Michael L. and John R. Clarke. “The Oplontis Project 2005-6: Observations on the Construction History of Villa A at Torre Annunziata.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 20 (2007): 222-232.
van der Graaff, Ivo, Regina Gee, Jennifer L. Muslin, and John R. Clarke. “The Row Houses at Oplontis.” Journal of Roman Archaeology 33 (2020): 113-128.
van der Graaff, Ivo, Michael L. Thomas, Paul Wilkinson, Jennifer L. Muslin, John R. Clarke, Nayla Muntasser, and Giovanni Di Maio. “First Results of Three Seasons of Excavation at Oplontis B (2016-18).” Fasti Online Documents & Research (FOLD&R), 2019.
van der Graaff, Ivo, Nayla Muntasser, John R. Clarke, Paul Wilkinson, Michael L. Thomas, and Jennifer L. Muslin. “Preliminary Notes on Two Seasons of Research at Oplontis B (2014-2015).” Fasti Online Documents & Research (FOLD&R), 2016.